自2016年里约热内卢奥运会开始,缅怀时刻(Moment of Remembrance)成为闭幕式固定环节。如何呈现“缅怀”的概念,每个国家都有不同理解。
The "Moment of Remembrance" is a very important part of the Olympic Games' closing ceremony, and for this year, the theme "A Willow Twig" presents the segment with Chinese characteristics.
The performers beautifully interacted with a LED floor to show imagery of the willow, one that showed the emotional symbolism of “a bittersweet goodbye.” 演员与地面上的屏幕影像完美互动,展现虚拟的柳枝,表现出了“苦涩又甜蜜的离别”的情感寄托。
The theme of "one world, one family" continued to be evident through the Games as 365 different individuals all held a willow branch that represented "the unwavering spirit of remembering the departed through the 365 days of a year." 365名普通人手捧柳枝,汇聚在场地中央,代表一年365天的思念,将“世界大同,天下一家”的主题表现得淋漓尽致。
The stage then turned into a beautiful shade of green, which was a symbol of the shifting of past negativity into the blossoming of a new day. 舞台随后变化成一片唯美的绿地,转而大地回春,一片生机盎然。
The willow twig is a part of the willow tree, and in Chinese, the character for the willow tree is a homophone of the character liu, which means asking a person to stay when bidding farewell. Thus it symbolizes the sorrow of separation. 柳枝是柳树的枝条。在汉语中,“柳”与“留”同音,蕴含着在离别时刻挽留对方的含义。因此,“柳枝”就成了“悲伤的离别”的象征。
In ancient days, when two friends part, the traveling party will always receive a willow twig as a gift. 在中国古代,朋友分离之时,远走的一方常常会被赠予柳条作为离别礼物。
"A Willow Twig" was the centre of the Moment of Remembrance section of the Ceremony, with it representing two friends parting and the struggles during the ongoing pandemic. “柳枝寄情”是闭幕式缅怀时刻的重点,代表着两个好朋友的离别和面对疫情所做的努力。
In its place was the return of spring, focusing on moving forward and the positives in a post-pandemic world. 正值春回大地之时,寓意一切向前发展,积极面对后疫情时代。
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